Rediscover your well being with Bach flowers

Take control of your life with Flower Therapy
start your journeybook consultation
Fiori di Bach e Floriterapia

La Soluzione ai tuoi Problemi

Stai vivendo un momento complesso carico di tensioni e preoccupazioni?

Una situazione emotiva difficile da gestire?

La floriterapia può aiutarti ad affrontare queste situazioni scomode e difficilmente gestibili. Ecco alcuni esempi in cui i fiori di Bach possono aiutarti a superare i momenti critici della vita.


  • Decisioni Importanti da prendere;
  • Tensioni Familiari;
  • Rapporti con i figli;
  • Lutti, Traumi e Separazioni;
  • Situazioni di Ansia;
  • Attacchi di Panico;
  • Insicurezze Personali;
  • Timidezza;
  • Sovraccarico di Impegni Quotidiani;
  • Insonnia;
  • Ciclo Mestruale e Menopausa;
  • Paura dei Cambiamenti;
  • Stati di Depressione e Scoraggiamento;
  • Difficoltà ad accettare il proprio Fisico;
  • Rapporto di Coppia;
  • Disagi dei vostri amici Animali;
  • Stanchezza Fisica e Mentale.


Foto Ragazza con problemi da risolvere con i Fiori di Bach

Grazie all’utilizzo dei Fiori di Bach puoi ottenere numerosi benefici, profondi e duraturi, come:

Diminuzione dello stress psico-fisico: elimina tutto lo stress mentale e fisico che accusi, ritrovando il benessere interiore che credevi di aver perso.

Coraggio nell’affrontare le difficoltà: Gestisci in maniera saggia tutte le difficoltà che la vita può presentarti davanti, sapendo esattamente come comportarti in ogni situazione.

Miglioramento della fiducia in sé stessi: aumenta la tua autostima grazie a delle tecniche precise che ti consentiranno di fidarti maggiormente delle tue capacità.

Supporto nelle scelte personali, familiari e lavorative: prendi ogni decisione solo dopo aver valutato attentamente la situazione, tutti i pro e contro.

Superamento di traumi e lutti: affronta qualsiasi situazione o avvenimento spiacevole con la massima forza, anche se pensi di averla smarrita.

Affronta i cambiamenti con serenità: accetta delle variazioni che la vita può presentarti, imparando a combattere contro le tue paure che ti impediscono di accettare i cambiamenti.

Migliorare la qualità del sonno: concediti nottate di sonno più tranquille, evitando che i tuoi pensieri e preoccupazioni si trasformino in incubi.

Gestire tensioni familiari e lavorative: impara ad affrontare qualsiasi situazione spiacevole in famiglia o sul lavoro con dignità, saggezza e consapevolezza.

Supporta e aiuta gli amici animali: non lasciare mai i tuoi amici a quattro zampe in difficoltà ma sii sempre presente per loro.

Gestire situazioni di rabbia e risentimento: impara a prendere in mano le redini delle situazioni anche se ti senti più nervoso del solito.

about me

Nora Maffioletti

Well being with flowers

My story

I am an expert flower therapy consultant with years of experience and training in using Bach flowers to improve mental and physical health. I create personalized healing paths for each client, with passion and competence. My sessions are always pleasant and relaxing, I create an atmosphere of well-being that helps my clients achieve mental and physical balance. Don't hesitate, book your session with me and let yourself be transported into a unique wellness experience.

Nora Maffioletti Floriterapista esperta di fiori di Bach

The therapeutic power
of Bach flowers


by Nora Maffioletti | Koan Bogiatto Show

Hai mai sentito parlare di floriterapia? Forse ne hai sentito accennare, ma oggi andremo a fondo di questa pratica e scopriremo come può influire positivamente sulla tua vita. Nell’intervista, Nora Maffioletti condividerà con noi la sua storia, come è entrata in contatto con questa pratica e come si sia specializzata nei fiori di Bach.

Flower therapy is not only a remedy for physical symptoms, but also a powerful means of dealing with headaches, panic and many other ailments that can affect your quality of life. We will discover together how to incorporate flower therapy into your daily routine to obtain maximum benefit.

Non perdere questa straordinaria opportunità di esplorare il mondo della floriterapia e scoprire come piccoli gesti, come l’utilizzo dei fiori di Bach, possano fare una grande differenza nella tua salute e nel tuo benessere complessivo.
Where I trained

My formation

The Bach Centre

After the death of Edward Bach, the English doctor who discovered the floral remedies now known throughout the world by his name, his assistants and followers, Nora Weeks and Victor Bullen, continued his work until 1978, handing down the activity of practice and knowledge of the method to the current administrators of the Bach Centre, which is still based in the Sotwell cottage where Edward Bach lived the last period of his life. I undertook my training path directly at the Bach Center foundation where I acquired the original method used by Dr. Bach. I am registered in the International Register of Bach Center Practitioners (Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner BFRP).

Centro dei Fiori di Bach


Nora treated me with flowers for several years very seriously. She was able to listen to my problems and those of my family members at different times, helping us overcome difficulties and giving us important support. I also participated in a training course on Bach flowers held by her, where she managed to convey her passion for flower therapy by involving the group in interesting and meaningful activities. I would like to add that she is also very good with animals. I have two little dogs that I am very fond of and she has always understood me and she has shared her love for animals with me. When I needed help for them I entrusted myself to her with peace of mind, in fact she managed to enter into a relationship with my dogs and understand how to help them effectively.

Emanuela M

Almost by chance I became aware of the topic of Bach flowers, something that immediately intrigued me and so thanks to Nora practitioner I was included in her pilot group of Bach flower courses, for over 10 years I have been able to delve deeper with thanks to her lessons, initially the specificity of each flower and then the discussion was further explored by studying the possibility of using flowers in particular moments of people's lives, such as adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, some illnesses, mourning and even the study of Bach flowers for children, plants and even animals. I must say that you have the ability to have great empathy thanks to your great professionalism and preparation. Her engaging passion is transmitted so much that we continued to study this subject for over 10 years. We still happen to meet to delve deeper into some particular topic. It can be said that her advice and precious consultations have now meant that Bach flowers have also become part of my daily life.

Patrizia S

The flower therapist Nora Maffioletti is extremely competent with Bach flowers, she is a very empathetic person who knows how to listen to the patient in front of her by digging with targeted questions into the most hidden corner of the soul and mind to glean details that are will prove decisive for planning a treatment. The flowers that you suggested cured me of enormous problems at work and progressively improved insomnia due to overload of commitments and burn out. I recommended a session with her to anyone who had emotional problems related to stress, depression, tiredness or intolerance in the work environment. Bach flowers, if taken specifically for a specific problem, are more miraculous than any other drug.

Andreina S

I met Nora during a meeting and since then we have always remained in contact. She immediately seemed like a very empathetic person, in fact after an initial informal chat we went into more detail about some of my problems and I must say that more than once she helped me with the Bach Flower Remedies, which have an excellent effect on me. Every time I have a problem that I can't solve, for example with my dog, I turn to her and after specific questions she suggests me a Bach flower compound from which I have had a lot of benefit. When I need her I call her, she is always available, I am very satisfied, she has become a friend.

Laura P

Nora was introduced to me by a friend, thanks to her I discovered the incredible world of Bach flowers. I followed her course and appreciated the great professionalism and passion with which she dedicates herself to teaching. During this journey I learned the many uses of flowers. We first studied the flowers individually and then how to combine them and prepare bottles, discovering the benefits of their use by studying the application in various fields from the most common to the most particular and complex. She helped me how to benefit from individual preparations. Nora is a very prepared, scrupulous person with great sensitivity, always ready to help others with her knowledge.

Valeria B

Nora introduced me to Bach flowers with great competence and sensitivity. After an in-depth analysis of the individual flowers and their properties, the various combinations are studied based on the person's needs. Nora is endowed with great empathy, she makes you fully understand the most hidden aspects of your character and your way of life. She helps you identify the most suitable flowers to face the most delicate moments of your life: an important choice, an illness, a loss. Thanks to Nora and the Bach flowers I have learned to look inside myself and help those around me to do the same thing.

Sandra Z

My experience with Nora dates back to my pregnancy when I asked for her help to relieve the nausea that prevented me from eating as much as I wanted and as much as I should have and on that occasion she recommended flowers to me. Before giving birth she gave me some flowers that helped me bear the pain, I had a natural birth in addition to the epidural. The flowers helped me from a psychological point of view, I felt good, I found a lot of benefit from what Nora had suggested to me on that occasion.

Elisabetta F

The flower therapist Maffioletti Nora was able to immediately grasp my situation and the problem that afflicted me, grasping the hidden aspect and going beyond the symptom. The remedies given with a weekly consultation have given clear results. Subsequently I requested her advice also for my dog who needed to remove memories related to an operation. Obvious results of tranquility. Thank you

Nazzarena P

A year ago I was going through a difficult post-operative period, I wasn't recovering and I was down in spirit, I resorted to your Bach flower therapy, designed specifically for my case. For three months I consistently followed your advice, I had a very sustained recovery, rediscovering my strength and positivity that had vanished. Thanks Nora, you helped me regain my balance!

Bruna F

I have been attending Bach Flower courses with Nora since September. 2009 recommended by the Municipality of Milan Cam zone 6 and Cam zone 7. A course was held for approximately 3 years. Very interesting, informative and great for mental health. I learned a lot, and I felt better. Excellent teacher, friendly approach, clear explanations, patient, understanding. Years later, the memory of her is still present.

Graziella V

I thank Nora for teaching me to know and use Bach flowers, having participated in various meetings held at the Multifunctional Aggregation centers in Milan. Nora was a teacher who was attentive to the problems presented by us participants and she conveyed to us an interest and desire to continue to deepen the study with continuous updates. Even today I ask her for advice.

Mariateresa R

I'm Gabriele, a former student of Nora. I have been using Bach Flowers for two and a half years, they have helped me a lot both at school level for concentration and memory but also a lot during the pandemic period with hyperactivity, anxiety and panic attacks. I absolutely recommend them to everyone because first of all it is natural and secondly it is truly effective.

Gabriele M

Precise, constant and competent consultancy. As for Bach flowers, being a natural product, the result (as everyone knows) is long-term. The anxious state that accompanied me in that period eased at times with the Bach flowers. Once the problem was solved, I received concrete answers that reassured me.

Daniela R

I met Nora in school because she was my daughter's teacher. When I learned that she had decades of experience with Bach flowers I immediately asked for help with my menopausal hot flashes. Kindness, professionalism and attention characterize her personality.

Vincenza V

On more than one occasion Nora followed me with the most appropriate Bach flowers, helping to overcome my difficulties.

Roberta D

In recent years I have turned to Nora for different problems and I have appreciated her competence and ability to listen.

Stefania B

Story Time Radio


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Discover the path

Consultations and Courses

Boccetta di Fiori di Bach in regalo per consulenze

Floritherapy consultancy and choice of personalized floral remedies

Consulenza Floriterapia

Single flower therapy consultation + personalized mix flower bottle

Corso Fiori di Bach

Professional Online Bach Flower Course with the expert Nora Maffioletti

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